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Support Groups

Loss Support Group

New Sessions Begin May 18, 2023

The third Thursday of every month

6:30 - 8:30pm


An 8 session support group for those who have experienced a loss and are

on a grief & mourning journey. Space is limited.

To request further information please contact us.

Caregiver's Group - ON HOLD UNTIL SPRING 2023

Meetings will be held on the third Thursday of each month

6:30 - 8:00pm

This is a support group for caregivers of individuals who may be experiencing mental health barriers and/or addictions issues. Opportunities will be provided to share your experiences as a caregiver, whether you are a friend or family member, and mutually support one another. A trained facilitator will be present to guide conversation, prepare material, and provide resources to group participants.


To register or request further information please contact us.

This group was made possible by the COVID -19 Emergency Community Support Fund provided by the Government of Canada and United Way of Central NB.


The Next Stepp - ON HOLD UNTIL SPRING 2023

Meetings will be held on the third Monday of each month

6:30 - 8:00pm

This is a peer-led support group for those who have completed the STEPPS and/or STAIRWAYS programs with Horizon’s Addiction and Mental Health Services This group is designed to be the next step in your recovery. This peer-led group will provide opportunities to strengthen skills and lessons covered in the STEPPS and STAIRWAYS programs through group discussions, guest speakers, activities, and more.


To register or request further information please contact us.

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